Partner 1

Forschungzentrum Juelich GmbH (FZJ), is engaged in HTR development and associated waste management since 1950s. The CARBOWASTE work programme will be performed in the "Institute for Safety Research and Reactor Technology (IEF-6 the former ISR)", which is mainly involved in R&D concerning the safety of nuclear reactors and installations of the fuel cycle and nuclear waste management (characterisation, treatment, disposal and partitioning / transmutation). Experimental facilities allow for high-temperature investigations also in hot cell conditions. The isotope labs are equipped with different sampling techniques for radwaste and spent fuel. Beside the radioanalytical equipment for α, β and γ-analysis for solids, liquids and gases, several installation for chemical and structural analysis of radioactive samples were available (BET-measurement, x-ray diffraction, optical and electron microscopy and ICP-MS). FZJ is operating an intermediate storage for HTR spent fuel and graphite waste from thermal columns and reflectors of Material Test Reactors.

last change: 25.03.2009 | | Print