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Electricit� de France (EDF), is an integrated energy operator, present in all sectors of the electricity industry and expanding its offering to include natural gas and energy services. EDF is the major player on the French electricity market, with a solid presence in the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy.
EDF is in France, the owner of 6 UNGG reactors (Gas Cooled type Reactors) that were shut down in the beginning of the 90’s (1994 for Bugey 1, the last one in operation). The decommissioning strategy choosen by EDF in 2001, is to go straight away to stage 3 for these 6 GCR before 2025. According to the French Act of Parliament of the 15th June 2006, a specific repository for the graphite wastes coming from these decommissioning activities, is to be created in 2013 by ANDRA - French National Agency responsible for Nuclear waste repositories. Because its responsibility as nuclear operator is at stakes, but also because it will have to bear the cost of waste disposal, EDF is involved in discussion with ANDRA concerning open solutions as sub-surface storage and deep geological repository whose the design, licensing, construction and operation are under the responsibilities of ANDRA.
EDF contributes to the CARBOWASTE program, through its R&D division and the CIDEN. CIDEN is the engineering centre of EDF in charge with decommissioning wastes management and environmental issues. The R&D division of EDF is part of a scientific partnership with CEA and ANDRA, to improve the knowledge on the main key issues affecting the efficiency and the performances of the dismantling of EDF’s UNGG reactors, and the storage of the graphite wastes.
last change: 25.03.2009 | CARBOWASTE | Print