Partner 12

ENEA (formerly the Italian Commission for nuclear Energy) is a governmental research institution operating in the fields of Energy, the environment and new technologies to support competitiveness and sustainable development. ENEA’s mission is:

  • to promote and carry out basic and applied research and innovation technology activities, also through prototypes and product industrialization;
  • to disseminate and transfer technologies, encouraging their use in productive and social sectors;
  • to provide high-tech services, studies, tests and evaluations to both public and private bodies and enterprises.

To fulfill its mission, ENEA:

  • carries out complex research, development and demonstration project, mainly technology and engineering-based, sets-up and operates major scientific apparatuses;
  • assesses the level of advanced technologies development, as well as their economic and social impacts, also on demand by public administrations;
  • promotes collaboration with foreign institutions and participates to major research programs and international organizations.

last change: 25.03.2009 | | Print