Partner 15

Institute of Physics (Fizikos Institutas, FI) is a state scientific organization, which activity encompasses nuclear physics, nuclear and radiation safety, environmental radioactivity, molecular physics, biophysics, chemical physics, laser spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, environmental physics and chemistry. FI is a technical support organization of State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate (VATESI). FI is appointed by the Lithuanian Government to establish national standard laboratory for Becquerel.

Main activities of FI in the fields related to nuclear safety and radiation protection:
Modelling of nuclear fuel isotopic composition, criticality assessment, development and application of nuclear spectroscopy methods, identification and measurement of elements and compounds in materials, radiochemical analysis of NPP system samples and NPP waste, measurement of beta emitters, alpha emitters, gamma emitters, including low-energy X-ray and gamma emitters, analysis of radionuclide migration in nuclear installations, monitoring of radionuclide release from nuclear installations, analysis of radioactivity in the environment, safety assessment of nuclear installations, radiation protection and dose calculation. FI has experience in managing of radioactive waste (RADON type RMI disposal facility was managed for 20 years).

last change: 25.03.2009 | | Print